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eBook – 2022 EDITION


Exclusive guide for adequacy and benefit sharing for users of Law nº 13.123/15 of Brazil.

Do you know the Brazilian Biodiversity Law?

Law nº 13.123/15 – popularly known as the Biodiversity Law– is applicable to natural persons or legal entities, national or foreign, who access genetic information of plant, animal, microbial species, among others, in the form of molecules, extracts or metabolic substances, originating from Brazilian biodiversity, with or without the aid of traditional knowledge of communities (indigenous, traditional or local), for the purposes of scientific research or technological development.

You will find in this eBook

- Full text of Law No. 13.123/15

- Ordinances and updates

- Nagoya Protocol

- Exclusive flowcharts for regularization and benefit sharing

The creators


GSS provides environmental services to global public and private sector clients in the areas of climate change, bioinnovation and sustainability management.

Logo-VBIO-2024-04.png is an online platform that assists organizations in raising and allocating resources for Brazilian biodiversity projects.

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2024 - GSS + - Todos os direitos reservados.

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